The Pistorio Foundation Singapore Chapter held its third annual Gala Dinner on November 30th, 2010

The Pistorio Foundation Singapore Chapter held its third annual Gala Dinner on November 30th, 2010, at the Shangri-La Hotel Tower Ballroom. The “Dolce Vita” themed event, in partnership with the Italian Trade Commission and supported by the Italian Cultural Institute, successfully raised over SGD $125,000 in favor of the Chiang Rai Village Project.

The “Dolce Vita” Dinner featured culinary creations by visiting celebrity Chef Michele Magada. Attending the evening were Guest of Honor Mr. Teo Ming Kian, Chairman of MediaCorp, as well as HE Italian Ambassador Dr. Anacleto Felicani & Mrs. Felicani, and HE non-resident Singapore Ambassador to Italy Dr Loo Choon Yong, Executive Chairman of Raffles Medical Group Limited, and Chairman of Sentosa.


The event was hosted with a stirring speech by Founder and President Pasquale Pistorio and illustrations of the progress made in the past years by the Foundation in Thailand. Emceeing the evening was the well-known TV and stage celebrity, Anita Kapoor, and she was complemented by Ms. Zoe Johnson, of Expat Auctions, who conducted the evening’s Live Auction.

Also contributing talent during the evening was the remarkable tenor, Melvin Tan, and pianist Shane Thio, performing well known classical opera arias as well as world famous movie soundtrack pieces by Nino Rota.

The funds raised at this event will support scholarships for 360 under-privileged hill-tribe children in Chiang Rai, Thailand for one year, two long-term scholarships, and one library and 8 personal computers for a primary school in Huay Kuk, Chiang Rai.

A special thank you goes to our event partners, the Italian Trade Commission and Shangri-La Hotel and to our donors of Live & Silent Auction items, without whose contributions the fundraising evening would not have been possible; and to our generous and selfless donors who enable us to further our mission and reach out to more needy children. Many thanks also to our team of dedicated volunteers who lend their time and skills every year to raise funds to benefit the hill-tribe families of northern Thailand.