Make a Donation

No matter how small a donation, all contributions are precious for our beneficiaries. Your contribution can make a difference and have a real impact in changing lives of underprivileged children for a brighter future.

You can choose to donate to projects in specific countries: Burkina Faso, Thailand, Cambodia, Morocco, or Italy. As our operating and overhead costs are covered by our returns on capital, 100% of your donation will be used directly to projects benefitting underprivileged children in developing countries.

Below are examples of what your donation can provide.



Online Donations

First name
Last name
Postal code



By Check Payment

Italian residents may make a donation by sending a check, made out to “Fondazione Pistorio”, to the following address:

Fondazione Pistorio
Via Cremagnani Bice, 15/7
20871 Vimercate MB
CF 94036370131

By Wire Transfer

Fondazione Pistorio
IT52 H030 6909 6061 0000 0141 432


You can opt to make this a monthly recurring donation.