Dear Friends,

in this moment the world is suffering for the humanitarian tragedy that has struck Ukraine following the Russian invasion decided abruptly by Putin. As always, in these devastating events, those worst affected are the most vulnerable human beings, including the elderly, women, and children. The Foundation is not directly involved in emergency relief but has devolved 5000 Euros to the Red Cross towards humanitarian aid to the population in Ukraine. The war has created a mass exodus of over 3.500.000 refugees to date, and it is estimated they could reach well over 5.000.000.
We are fully in favor of immediate assistance and hospitality to these victims of war who have lost everything: Europe must give proof of humanity and sense of civilization by welcoming them in its countries.
Moreover, the war has highlighted the heavy dependence of Europe on fossil fuel imports, particularly from Russia. We must be ready to do without their fossil fuels. All of Europe MUST accelerate the transition toward renewable energies. In a few years we could be completely independent from fossil fuels. In the meantime, we could overcome the crisis by recurring to our strategic reserves, through energy savings, by improving of the efficiency of the European energy system, and via the diversification of countries providing fossil fuels. Each one of us, as responsible citizens, can contribute by saving energy.


Pasquale Pistorio

Foundation Field Missions

Last fall the Foundation conducted two filed missions, one in Catania and one in Marocco.
Despite the difficult circumstances persisting due to COVID, both the Talita Kum center in Catania and the schools in Marocco were able to stay open for most of the year 2021, while maintaining social distancing measures.
The staff of the education center in Catania was able to continue all the afterschool activities, even if the number of students was reduced to 43 at any given time, half of the usual capacity of students. Due to COVID, there were also significantly less volunteers available. However, the distancing measures have contributed to ensure that no cases of COVID were registered amongst students. The vast range of activities proposed targeted at different age groups between six and fifteen, including tutoring, robotics, IT labs, didactic games, creative workshops, English classes, and more, were maintained. Support was also offered to families of beneficiaries with food donations twice a month. Despite the lower number of students, the attendance rates of those enrolled was over 95%. With the coming of spring, and the increase of outdoor activities, the number of enrolled students is expected to increase. Photo of children doing a Psychomotor Movement activity at the Talita Kum center.
Photo on the left of children doing a Psychomotor Movement activity at the Talita Kum center.
During our mission in Marocco in October, it was wonderful to witness the start of the new academic year with a new batch of first year students at the triennial Non Formal Education program at the Azrou Center for Community Development. The program counts 42 students attending the three learning levels, between the ages of 8 and 14.
Our program has been running for over ten years, and during the mission trip, it was noted that the government has recently implemented new policies to contrast primary school drop-out rates while secondary school enrollment rates are increasing; moreover, the presence of local NGOs delivering the ENF program at the elementary school level has markedly increased. We have thus decided to conduct a feasibility study to reassess the needs of both primary and secondary school children and the challenges faced by local public primary and secondary schools in the region, together with our local partner and Al Hawkeyan University. This study will allow us to inform and guide future interventions locally, both at the center of Azrou as well as with local schools.

Global Climate Strike March 25

As always, we close our newsletter inviting all to actively take part as global citizens in our fight against climate change. Since 2019 we have applauded Greta Thunberg and Fridays for Future for raising awareness and sparking a global climate resistance movement. UN Secretary General Guterres called the latest IPCC report released in February, https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg2/, an “atlas of human suffering and a damning indictment of failed climate leadership.” The bleak picture and warning delivered is one of accelerating climate breakdown, with worst impacts than predicted.
By 2050, as many as 183 million people would go hungry due to food shortages caused by natural disasters and 1 billion people will be affected by the flooding of coastal areas creating hundreds of millions of climate refugees world-wide.
As John Porter of the IPPC said, “any further delay in concerted global action will miss a brief and rapidly closing window to secure a liveable future.” Yet there is still reason for hope, as there is a small window of opportunity from now until the next seven years. But now is the time to act. In the face of government inertia and indifference of much of the corporate world, individuals must step up their action to reduce emissions through making sustainable lifestyle choices while increasing their pressure on local and national governments, to take bold, brave and immediate action to slash emissions at least by 45% by 2030, to have a chance to stay below 1.5 degrees rise in temperatures since preindustrial times. Scientists have outlined how it has become very clear that this threshold must not be passed if we are to control and reign in temperature rises in the long term, and thereby avoid catastrophic consequences. However, this goal will slip rapidly out of reach if we do not act now. As Christiana Figuerres of the UN said, “the science and solutions are clear. It’s up to us how we shape the future.”
Please join the Global Climate Strike on March 25!

Donate your 5x1000 to the Pistorio Foundation

For all italian residents it is possible to devolve 5/1000th of your taxes to a charity of choice. The donor will not incur any extra cost, and if this option is not exercised, the 5/1000th amount will be given to the government. To choose the Pistorio Foundation, simply write our Fiscal Code, 94036370131, in the designated area of the 5x1000 donation in your tax declaration. Thank you for your support!

Pistorio Foundation
Via Bice Cremagnani 15/7
Vimercate (MB), Italy
Email: contact@pistoriofoundation.org
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